Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Liferay OpenLDAP import/export

So here is what I want to accomplish, have Liferay (V5.5) authenticate against OpenLDAP and be able to import user/groups. After try and error I was able to configure the import functionality.

First you have to open and comment the ldap.import.method=user and uncomment ldap.import.method=group. The explanation is enclosed in the comments.

# Set either user or group for import method. If set to user, portal will

# import all users and the groups associated with those users. If set to

# group, the portal import all groups and the users associated those groups.

# This value should be set based on how your LDAP server stores group

# membership information.




Afterwards you have to login to Liferay as an admin user and go to the 'Enterprise Admin Portlet'-> Settings-> Authentication -> LDAP and set accordingly to your LDAP server. In every estep of the configuration you can validate that is making the connections.

Finally, section Import/Export should be configured like this: